Five Year Old Dhruva: Lord Vishnu, Biography

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Five Year Old Dhruva: Lord Vishnu, Biography

How five year old Dhruva pleased Lord Vishnu

There were many exclusive devotees of Lord Vishnu, in whom the name of Dhruv comes first. The star shining in the north direction in the sky is called Dhruv Tara. Dhruv star is believed to be related to Dhruv, the dearest devotee of Lord Vishnu. The story of Lord Vishnu and Dhruv is said to be very famous.

According to Vishnu Purana, King Uttanpad had two queens. The elder queen's name was Suniti and the younger queen's name was Suruchi. Suniti gave birth to Dhruv and Suruchi gave birth to Uttam. Uttanpad's first wife was Queen Suniti. But King Uttanpad was more dear to Suruchi and his son Uttam. King Uttanpad had kept Dhruva sitting on his lap one day.

Then Queen Suruchi came there and seeing Dhruv sitting on the king's lap, she angrily took Dhruv from the king's lap and made her son sit. After this she said that the one whom I have given birth to will become the heir to the royal throne. If you want the throne, worship Lord Vishnu and take birth from my womb by his grace, only then you will get the throne.

Dhruv's soft heart is hurt:

Hearing all this, Dhruv went to his mother Suniti crying and told the whole thing. Then Queen Suniti said that your father loves your step mother and her son more. Now our only support is Lord Vishnu. Dhruv's heart was deeply hurt by the words of both his mothers.

Dhruv received the mantra from Narad Muni:

One day Dhruv was leaving home to do penance for Lord Vishnu. That's why he met Narad Muni on the way and Narad Muni gave Dhruv the mantra of 'Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay'. Dhruv went to the banks of Yamuna river and started chanting this mantra. Dhruv was only five years old at the time of penance.

Lord Vishnu appeared:

Dhruv did severe penance for 6 months. Then Lord Vishnu appeared pleased and made him sit on his lap. God said that all your wishes will be fulfilled. Lord Vishnu said that being pleased with your devotion, I give you that world, around which astrology revolves and on the basis of which all the planets and constellations revolve. Similarly, Dhruv is called the dear devotee of Lord Vishnu and is known as Dhruv Tare in the Sapta Rishi Mandal.

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