World Environment Day 2023: when started

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World Environment Day 2023: when started

World Environment Day 2023 in english

The word environment is made up of two words, pari and cover in which pari means around us or say that which surrounds us. Where "cover" means that which surrounds us.

Environment includes climate, cleanliness, pollution, trees and everything else, that is, environment is directly related to and affects our daily life.
People and environment depend on each other. Environmental pollution, such as climate pollution or drying of trees, has a direct impact on the human body and health. Good and bad habits of human beings, such as conservation of trees, preventing climate pollution and staying clean also affect the environment. Harmful habits of human like polluted water, waste, excessive cutting of trees etc. There is a negative impact on the environment. As a result, later people have to bear the brunt of natural calamities.

Declared by the United Nations, this day is observed globally to raise environmental awareness. It began in 1972 with the World Environment Conference organized by the United Nations General Assembly from 5 to 16 June. The first World Environment Day was celebrated on 5 June 1973.

The biotic components of the environment include all living organisms and plants, from microbes to insects, and all associated biological activities and processes. Abiotic elements of the environment include non-living elements such as mountains, rocks, rivers, elements of air and weather, and associated processes.
In general, it is the unity of all organic and non-living elements, facts, processes and phenomena affecting our lives. It pervades us, every event in our life depends on it and is influenced by it. All human activities have direct and indirect effects on the environment. Therefore, there is also a reciprocal relationship between an organism and its environment.

On the basis of human intervention, environment can be divided into two parts, the first part is natural environment and artificial environment. This classification is determined by the degree of human involvement in natural processes and conditions.

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June. The main purpose of celebrating this day is to make people familiar with the environment. Also, saplings will be planted at different places on this day so that our future generations do not face any kind of problem in the coming times. On this day, people are made aware of this through various programs in schools, universities, offices and many institutions.

History of World Environment Day:

The first World Environment Day celebration began in 1972. It was created by the United Nations General Assembly. This was the first festival in 1974. Since then this day started being celebrated all over the world.

Purpose of celebrating this day:

The main purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of this day. To make people understand the meaning of this day. On this day people learn about climate change, deforestation, pollution and loss of biodiversity.

Theme of World Environment Day 2023:

Every year a theme is chosen for this day. This year's theme is "Combating Plastic Pollution". This theme was chosen to encourage people who use plastic to think about alternatives.

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